Note of the co-author, this file is not finished yet as I write this on June 25 1995, it even needs a bit of translation still, which will be done in the final upload, so please bear with me till then.

However I believe that so far all which is written can be used without too much problemo. If you see any glaring mistakes write them to me & I will make the necessary correction. Thanks.



1) Get away from the plane till all gas vapours are gone and that the motors are cool off to avoid burns and also explosions problems.

2) Examine the wounds of the survivors and apply first aid and as much as possible find a comfortable place for them.

MAKE SURE that wounded victims with back injuries are displaced very carefully so as to AVOID further problems.

3) Erect temporary shelters to protect from sun, wind and rain.

4) MAKE SURE that the radio or signalisation instruments are in good working conditions & near at hand at all time.

5) Rest so as to recover from the accident shock & postpone any other projects for a later time...

6) Once you have rested properly, organise the survivor camp by giving to each able body a specific task to do, even someone on its back can be used as a look out etc.

Gather all food & equipment and assign a person to be responsible for it. Construct a better shelter that will protect you from rain, sun, snow, wind, cold, bugs.

Make wood provision for at least one day ahead and MAKE SURE the wood is dry not from the ground but from dead trees or freshly cut down. Look for fresh water, plants & wild life. Install snares when possible they are your best bet. (See hunting #?*)

7) Prepare very well your signals so that they may be seen by any rescue plane or teams and ready to work at all time.

8) Make a log book giving the date, location and cause of the crash and the list of the party and their data and experience which may be useful in those circumstances

Also make a list of all food and material at hand, weather and all important data that you may find useful now and at a later date.

9) If you radio transmission works give as precisely as possible your position using compass or sky or terrain observations.

10) If you have been thrown off the plane, go back to it, since it is easier to spot a plane than a man or a group when possible.

11) Don't leave the crash site unless you are sure to find help near by. If you MUST go; leave a message telling when you left and what direction you took and leave a marked trail.

So that if you have to come back or to help a possible rescue party. Of course in enemy territory this does not apply.

12) In Arctic region use the plane as a shelter. Protect yourself from mosquitoes by closing all openings with parachute cloth.

Cook outside the plane so as to AVOID carbon monoxide poisoning and cook or make a fire well off the plane to AVOID gasoline explosion problems.

Since the plane can not be used as a long term shelter because it soon becomes an ice box then you will have to make a better isolated shelter nearby.

13) During the day in desert region the heat will be too great to stay in the plane. Stay under the wings and make up some tent using parachute tarp and other plane parts and keep an open space at the bottom of the tent for ventilation about 60cm.

14) Use sparingly the batteries for radio, keep them from cold.

15) Sweep frequently the horizon with your mirror even if you don't see nothing. You are the key man in this rescue operation so MAKE SURE that the rescue team spots you easily.

DON'T TAKE ANY UNNECESSARY RISK. Better be safe than sorry. Be alert. Have a rotation shift for the look out and security.


1) Don't blow the raft nor the Mae West inside the plane.

2) Pick up all emergency material possible before leaving.

3) Attach the life raft to the plane till all members are aboard and one person is in charge to cut away as soon as the ship or plane start to go down.

4) If possible load the rafts directly from the plane without getting in the water. Entering cold water will cause severe problems of hypothermia and others as well even death.

5) MAKE SURE that the raft is well balanced and know what to do if it capsize to bring it back nice and easy.

6) Get away from any oil or gas spread as well as the plane or ship that sinks, the suction would pull you down with it. Direct the raft in the current flow if there is any.

7) Try to find the missing passengers by checking wave movement.

8) Pick up any material pieces floating around by tying them to the raft and check if there are any leaks air or water wise.

Empty the water that is in the raft. Beware not to puncture any hole with your shoes or any sharp objects.

9) On icy ocean, protect yourself by erecting a wind breaker, get close to one another for warmth & do physical exercise often to keep warm.

10) Check the state of health of each member and do the first aid needed. Swallow sickness pills. Remove all oil or gas spills that may cling to your clothes as much as possible.

11) Attach all rafts to one another with a rope about 7 meter long at the height of the floating line and when the sea is rough shorten this distance. When a rescue plane comes by get all the rafts closer to one another so they can better be spotted.

12) After having read the instructions get the radio working & use the transmitter /receiver only when a plane is around.


13) If need be you MUST quickly repair the raft with the appropriate adhesive material aboard.

14) Compasses, watches, matches and lighters MUST be put into waterproof container.

15) In the ocean under hot climate shelter yourself under a tarp. Wear clothing that will cover your legs and arms and cover your face and hands with solar cream and on your lips. Protect your head and eyes from sun rays.

16) Calmly??? Evaluate your situation and plan well an action program to keep you all busy as much as possible.

17) Water and food MUST be rationed. Responsibilities MUST be shared. Rain water MUST be picked up using tarp or any suitable cloth.

18) Write in a log book your last position, the hour of your crash the names of the survivors and their health condition as well as the inventory of the food, the orientation of the sails, the hour of the sunset and sunrise & all other needed information for navigation purposes.

19) Stay calm! Save your energy which will help saving on food and water. Don't shout or move unnecessarily. Try to keep a certain sense of humour.


Use all means to be seen by rescue teams. Mirrors as well as radio flares, signal panels MUST ALWAYS BE READY TO BE USED FAST.

20) In warm seas one can survive many days without raft if you wear a life jacket & have a mirror ready at hand for signal.


If Indians and Eskimos had accepted defeat because equipment was not available these representatives' races would not be found upon this planet. They survived and so can you; but you MUST improvise.

As much material as possible should be taken from the aircraft if you are leaving it. These materials along with those provided by nature will not only assist you in surviving but also enable you to live comfortably.

A piece of wood 3 inches in diameter and about 20 inches in length may be split in a plank and fabricated into a snow knife or saw.

Eating utensils may be formed out of wood, bone even rock. Any material that is waterproof or animal skins may be used to hold water.


More campers are accidentally stranded in their cars than ever are lost in the wilderness. Washed out roads, rockslides and blizzards often catch travellers in mid passage.

There may be mechanical break downs and human errors such as running out of gas with your girl friend. (Old Trick!) .

In back country this can be extremely serious even Deadly. Yet the stalled car itself is a giant survival kit and in real emergency can be stripped of many parts to ensure the passengers well-being.

The sputter indicating an empty tank is a signal to get the car off the road and stopped. AVOID running the system dry.

What little gas remains will better serve to start a signal fire than to gain an extra hundred yards. Unless assistance is close by it is better to stay with your car then to start walking.

In DESERT regions, use hood, door panels, upholstery an floor mats to provide shade

Use hubcaps and sun visors as sand scoops. In cold weather many of these articles make excellent blankets.

A tire burned downwind & at safe distance will keep you warm and act as a distress signal. It will smell badly but will last for hours.

A dome light cover or headlight lens unless sealed can be used to concentrate sunlight and start a fire.

A headlight removed intact and rewired to the battery converts to a powerful signal lamp. Use the electricity from the battery poles to ignite a cloth soaked with gas from the carburettor line or tank.

Dismounted rear view mirrors manipulated to reflect sunlight will flash an SOS that can be seen miles away, 5 MILES AND OFTEN MORE.

Oil and grease are messy but effective sunburn lotions. Oil burned in hubcap sends up a highly visible smoke signal.

Grease blacked with burned rubber and smeared under the eyes helps cut the glare, think of football pros.


While it is true and vital that energy MUST be conserved, it is equally important that the mind MUST BE KEPT BUSY.



Although emergency packs are most helpful it is of equal importance to know how to use all the equipment along with what nature has provided.


We might be lucky to have a warning signal and if so then follow the procedures that would be told by the authorities or simply go to a shelter such as an underground garage.

If however you are in the target area then say a quick prayer for your chances of survival are near zero even in a shelter underground since the blast will suck up the oxygen & the heat would kill you.

At a few miles from ground zero you only have 10 to 15 seconds before the heat waves comes to you even at 25 to 30 Km the heat would burn you alive.

At 40 Km just looking at the flash would blind you for life and we are talking about a 5 megaton bomb only. Unfortunately man's craziness will use 10 and more megatons bombs.

Should you be so lucky to have survived the blast and the heat wave you then also have to survive the radiation's fall out from which there is no protection unless you stay in the shelter for a while from 10 to 30 days till it has subsided

If you are far enough from the blast you have about 5 minutes after the explosion to find a shelter in a cave etc. to protect you from the radiation fall out.

Here are some materials that will give you protection from the gamma rays but taken in consideration that you are far away at least 30 miles.

Steel: 15cm / Earth: 90cm / Rock: 60cm / Ice: 1 1/2 meter Concrete: 60cm / Snow: 6 m.

If you have made a shelter MAKING SURE THAT IT IS DRY, warm with food and water for at least 30 days for each member.


(In Nam they had the Kryptonite which weighed 13 lbs and was down to mid ankle.) Now!

Briton invents type of plastic that withstands nuclear blast. April 13-1993 Toronto Star. London Reuter. A british inventor has astounded the military and scientific world by producing this type of plastic.

Businessman Maurice Ward a former hair dresser started experimenting with plastic 20 years ago stumbling on the kind of secret that nuclear physicist dream.

Rigorous tests by military research department both USA and British have shown that this plastic can withstand simulated nuclear flashes generating temperature of more than 10, 000 degrees Celsius.

So promising is this light compound that defence companies are eager to buy into the project.

Experts believe that Starlite to protect civil and military plane, for cabling in ships, to coat launch sites for advance vertical take off and possibly for heat deflective coating for space shuttle.

You MUST also have a radiation meter which would give you the readings of what to expect outside.

In so far as the use of radio, TV etc. is concerned the Electro-magnetic-pulse (EMP) caused by the atomic bombs will make them totally useless.

This EMP is like a gigantic electrical overcharged which will destroy all communication systems except those deep underground. Anything using electronic components from cars to planes to radio to computer will go dead!

So you can't rely on TV or Radio news, your car won't start etc. All electrical station will go dead since they require some kind of electronic gadgets to work or feed their power. Electricity is the Achilles heel of civilization.

Very little is told about the effect of EMP mainly to AVOID panic and partly because it is still a military secret, yet enough is know to understand the consequences when you realise a total electrical power breakdown.

Don't count on the government or usual radio stations to help you along; they are kaput. OOPS's!

You are on your own, back to the stone age with little or zip left outside for survival, the wild life is gone and your chances of survival through the nuclear winter that those bombs will bring are slim if not nil.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs were around 20,000 tons of TNT since then our intelligent but unwise society has created bombs that are 500 to 2,000 times more powerful. The Rainbow bomb type is 50 Megatons. In 1994 the latest count was 150,000 atomic bombs in the world for USA & Russia alone.

Coastal survival is even worst at the beginning since those bombs will have wreak havoc of all seaports, tidal waves and earthquake will have wipe them all out.

Think that a 2 megatons makes a 500 foot wave so you are better off away from the sea shore for a while, if you think of building a shelter near the sea forget it.

Stay in the shelter minimum 300 hours after the last explosion. After 2 weeks the radiation dangers have fallen to 1/1,000. That is if they have not used plutonium bombs in which case the radiations will be strong for the next few hundred years.

Any survival is to be understood only if you were lucky to be far away from ground zero of any bomb. If not then R.I.P. to you & to us all.

Food will stay good at the condition that the containers have not been open and were away from direct radiation exposures.

This is when a radiation meter becomes useful. Water does not retain the radiation but fishes will as well as any surviving animals.

Plants do not represent contamination danger if far away but use only the deep roots anything above ground will have been affected. Even roots after a while will become contaminated. Water from spring or covered well remains good if far away.

When you go out after the 300 hours, MAKE SURE you cover all parts of the body to protect yourself from Beta rays that will cause burns like sunburn.

As for your clothes they will have to stay outside from your shelter when you go back because of the dust that clings to it which has radiation potential.

Radiation is not contagious but will affect specially children, pregnant women, elder people and sick because it alters your chemical constitutions. I hate writing these horrors.

Unfortunately town population protection is not good nor sufficient in terms of shelters or even supplies, this maybe different in other countries you will have to check your own.

When it will happen? Mostly before dawn and without warnings. As I said before your only chances are good to fair if you happen to be far away from any ground zero, far away means 40 km and more.

In the forest there will be gigantic forest fires resulting from bombs that have exploded at high altitude.

These bombs will have a result that beside creating forest fires they will suck up the ashes into the sky that will then cover 1/3 of the moon & 1/3 of the sun rays thus a nuclear winter will grab us all.


When it starts it will spread world wide since most of the defence systems are either automated or destructed by EMP forces.

All this was predicted in the book of Revelation but who ever reads it and understands it, only but a few and they are not allowed to speak.

You can safely assume that all CAPITALS of the world will be hit as well as all major cities, airport, industrial zones and all seaports because of tidal waves will be kaput etc.

Your best bets are the small towns but then again the bombs will fall almost everywhere and the blasts, heat waves, radiations fall out will be felt world wide as well as the nuclear winter etc. (See Carl Sagan book on that subject of Nuclear Winter!).

If you live in a rural are away from big cities at least 40 miles you may consider to build your own atomic shelter should you be so lucky to be home by then and ready to dive into it.

Plans to build your shelter maybe obtained from the Dept of Defence Office of Civil Defence The Pentagon Washington DC 20310 USA.

P/S: However most of these shelters are useless unless they are either far away from ground zero or deep underground. (5 to 10 miles depending of the size of the bombs.) If they are near the blast they quickly turn into deadly oven . Besides that you must make sure you have your own oxygen supply if you are close by, otherwise the blast will suck it all up.


An atomic bomb has 3 effects: Shock wave, Heat Wave, Radiation. Full consequence of these effects

Is not known to the general public and for that matter even to most scientists or military personnel.

Beside the need for secret there is also the fact that we have not yet gone through a full scale war with atomic bombs.

Suffice to say just for the record about a 2 megatons bomb that around ground zero to the first 5 miles radius there is NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LEFT.

From 4 to 8 miles NO LIVES and very heavy destructions, actually the only buildings left to stand will have to come down being too hazardous and we don't even consider their radiation level.

From 9 to 15 miles; some life left but if they were exposed to the heat wave they will die since they are burned too deeply and most of them have died from the shock wave that brought all kind of flying debris flying, cutting and smashing everything around.


REMEMBER that we only talk about a 2 Megatons, the usual charge for the average bomb that will be launch is from 10 to 20 Megatons.

So once can easily concur that the above damages will be multiplied by the increase of power but there is a lack of data since no atomic war has been done yet.

Yes, I am convinced that man is crazy enough to launch such a war and will do so soon. If you don't believe me than read Revelation!

Although most of our data is unobtainable for military reasons, we know that most of the wounds are from the shock wave & its consequences. The second reason is the heat wave that burned them and the third is the radiation poisoning.

The forth reason is that all medical services are destroyed and the fifth is that all transport & communications have broken down gone kaput.

To this list we can add starvation, water poisoning, contagious diseases from dead animals or people, forests fires as well as building fires, earthquake, tsunamis, floods & landslides etc. No needs for alarms as you see and we have over 150,000 of them.

In short; let us say this based on the Bible that at the first trumpet or siren alarm there will be 1/3 of humanity that will die, 1/3 of the ships will be destroyed, etc..

At the second trumpet another 1/3 will die these deaths will be caused by chemical, bacteriological warfare & by conventional bombs and bullets from the remaining armed forces as predicted.

I do not wish to go any farther into the matter since time will reveal more of what is to come, but we have had our warnings and will get more before it all happens, those who have ears will heed to the warnings others won't, it is their choices.


MAKE SURE that you have toilet facilities, water and food for at least 30 days, minimum 15 days.

The food and water will have to be renewed periodically to AVOID lost and spoilage. Here is a list giving the time limit to which you have to replace them.

Milk in powder or Concentrated = 6 months. Chicken, meat and fish in can = 6 months.

Meat stew, vegetable stew and cereals = 18 months. Soups; meat and vegetable concentrated = 8 months.

Berries in preservative jars 6 months. Vegetable juices in cans 6 months. Fruit juices in cans 18 months. Dry fruits in cans = 6 months.

Tomato & Sauerkraut in cans 6 months. Vegetables in cans 18 months. Cereal ready to serve in cans 12.... In paper box 1 month. Grease & vegetable oil = 12 months.

Sugar Indefinite time. Hard candy and bubble gum 12...Instant pudding 12 months. Nuts in cans 12 months. Tea, coffee, instant cacao 18 months. Powder cream = 12... Oxo cubes type 12. Powder drinks = 14 months.

Salt indefinite time. Seasoning = 24 months. #bicarbonate soude# 12. Water in bottle (sterilised) = 12 months.

Water should be kept in plastic container since glass breaks and metal container can become rusted. Yet Bottled water is safe.

One litre of water per day per person is sufficient but you should use as much rationing as you can, no need to use water to wash yourself or the food, think that you are in the desert.

Water used from outside once you go out should be boiled at least 10 minutes to AVOID contamination.

Water does not carry radiation but MAKE SURE that the water is free from radio-active dust.

You can be sure that many an animal or human has died in those waters thus became polluted. If you have water tablet use them, don't be cheap or you may die.

Should you find cans of food outside which are not radioactive MAKE SURE that you clean the can well so that there is no radiation dust clinging to it. Any fallen objects in the water MUST be discarded since it will be radioactive.

Toilets can be made from garbage bag, MAKE SURE they stay closed. MAKE SURE you have a good first aid kit in the bunker along with the usual medicine you may need.

Fire extinguisher in the bunker should be included also. As for guns and ammo, don't you think that there was enough???


One of the consequences of those bombs is to project radiations of two types Beta and Gamma.

The first one cause burns the second goes Very deep in your body system and is contracted from any outside objects that were in the path of the bomb.

So you MUST protect your skin by covering it and if your skin gets in contact with those objects wash it, but NEVER use soap.

Gamma rays can be shielded with proper thickness of different material as see above in page # *, as for the Beta rays they don't penetrate deep & can only cause skin *lesions.

There is a great risk for internal injuries even death if one swallows water, fluids or food that was contaminated by radiation. Any open sore is an open invitation to contamination, cover it.


1) If you have nausea and throwing up nearly immediately after the blast, it means death within a week.

2) If nausea and throw up in less than 2 hours, certain death from 2 to 4 weeks with invalidity during that time.

3) If nausea and throw up in less than 4 hours, certain death in 3 to 4 weeks after the blast.

4) If no symptoms show up there are still Important risks which could appear later on, pregnant women will abort and all kinds of genetic defects and malformations will follow!

Radiation sickness is not contagious but on the other hand one MUST not handle any object which was contaminated.

Radiation level decreases fast, after 12 hours it is down to 90% and after 3 days it is down to 99% unless plutonium was used, then forget it.

It means centuries of deadly contaminations. Yes they have many of those dirty bombs and some will be used unfortunately. *** put all atomic in 1 place.


Many of them can be forewarned like hurricanes and tornadoes or heavy snow storms for those you should listen to the radio news and to know how to cut your water, gas or electrical power should you have to do so.

Checking that you have a good fire fighting extinguisher and a good first aid kit ready at hand.

Your local Red Cross section can supply you with all the needed information on almost all medical emergencies & what you would need then

MAKE SURE that you ALWAYS have a good provision of food not requiring to be frozen nor cooked. Those cans of food along with an airtight water jar, some blankets or sleeping bags, clothes.

A portable radio and flashlight with extra batteries fully loaded as well as camping accessories would help you in case of emergencies.

A car fully loaded with gasoline and ready to go should you have to leave, would be helpful.

All you would then have to do is to throw your emergency kit in the car and drive off to a secure spot that you should have found before or just by following the instructions that could come from local radio station & authorities

If this is the case take the roads that have been recommended rather than try you own luck and go to the nearest shelter provided for you in those cases.

Don't forget to cut off you water, gas and electrical supply before leaving.

FLOOD: (Noah???)

1) Following the information received you will know ahead of time if you house is above or below the possible flood.

2) Facing a possible flood don't stack bags of sand outside your house hoping to contain the flood from getting into your basement you won't.

The water can seep under your house, just let the basement flood itself or even better flood it with clean water yourself when you are certain that the flood can not be AVOIDED.

This will permit you to counteract the effect of the water pressure on the outside walls of your house thus you will prevent further structural damages to your foundation.

3) Gather a good water supply in air tight containers since the water from the flood will be contaminated and unfit to use unless you boil it first at least 10 minutes.

4) Get you furniture and electrical appliances from the basement up to the first floor or even in the attic.

Unplug all electrical equipments unless you are wet and have both feet in the water AVOIDING this way your own electrocution.

Lock all doors and windows and leave the area as soon as possible. Don't wait for the flood to reach you since you could be stuck for days and could be in further danger for your life.

5) Upon flooded road drive in first gear only and drive slowly so as not to flood the motor, your breaks once wet will cease to function so beware.

6) If you were caught in your house when the flood hits you then if the water rises in the house climb up on the roof and if the house collapses find something that you can grasp and float upon which you can take some refuge. "Call Noah's Ark."

7) If you have made a raft or have a boat then offer help around. Don't forget to wear you life jacket.

8) Once the water has subsided it is not prudent to enter your house right away, it could collapse, check it first.

9) Avoid all direct contact with someone who is drowning; since he can drown you with him.

First throw him a plank or rope to which he can hold on to, then go to his or her rescue.

10) IN WINTER if someone has broken into the ice then throw him a rope or cloth then lower yourself flat on the ice so as to spread your weight over a maximum area & try to pull him out.

If there are other persons around use them to form a human chain where they all lay down flat on the ice holding on to one another to pull the victim off the ice hole while those on the shore are used as anchor to those on the ice.


1) Listen carefully to the radio , TV news cast.

2) Check carefully what is happening in the sky specially in the South and South West area. If there is to be a tornado before a HURRICANE then you MUST check the East.

3) If you see clouds in the shape of a funnel call immediately the police & weather station to warn them of this information.

4) If possible seek shelter in the basement. If you have time MAKE SURE that your windows are partly open on the opposite side of the tornado otherwise the pressure from the wind will make them blow off in all directions.

5) If you can move then do so by going at right angle from the path of the tornado and move fast.

6) If you have no means of escape then throw yourself down into any ditch or other kind of terrain depression & start praying.

7) In a public office building the basement is your best bet. Flee from any floor above ground level, find a place with thick wall.

8) In a house the basement in its deepest ground is the SAFEST. If you live in an area where those tornadoes are frequent it is wise to reinforce your basement or to build a shelter.

9) If there is no basement in this house then go to the lower floor and pull a sofa or heavy piece of furniture over you this sofa etc. should be put in the middle of the house. Don't forget the advice about the windows being partly open.

10) A mobile home is a poor shelter and can be wrecked easily better to get out and hide in a ditch. The damages can be lessened if you have taken time to install cables to cement block as a mean of anchorage before the tornado hit you.


1) If your house is located on high ground, seek refuge elsewhere.

2) Before the storm hits, carry inside all possible objects that could be lifted by the storm and become deadly weapons. Tools garbage cans, outside furniture can hurt you even kill you.

3) Nail boards over your windows.

4) If the centre of the hurricane goes directly over you, there will be a period of calm from a few minutes up to an hour.

Don't go out and stay in your shelter since the wind will pick up again even with more strength even from another direction. Stay inside till the hurricane has left.

5) The inside of a car is not a good shelter but it can be used in emergency your best bet is to crawl under the car to protect yourself. Staying in the car could be lethal.

6) Follow the emergency procedures mentioned in Flood & Tornado. Escaping disaster is ALWAYS a question of good judgement.


1) Keep calm and stay cool, don't run or go any place without goal.

2) Stay where you are either inside or outside, most of the wounds happen to people trying to get out or in a building. If you are close to a building move away to a safer place.

3) Inside a building, hide under a heavy furniture, stay away from windows, stay close to a central wall or inside a door frame. Stay away from doors leading outside.

4) Don't use candles or matches during or after the quake and put out any fires.

5) If outside stay away from any buildings or any electrical cables, stay where you are till the end of the earthquake.

6) Don't run near or across any building since the dangers of being hit by falling objects are much greater outside when you are near entrance doors or along walls.

7) If you are in a moving car, stop as soon as possible but don't get out of it even if you are shaken a bit. If you are under a bridge or a tunnel try to get away from it & then stop.

TSUNAMI: #Raz de maree#

Earthquake can produce them. Atomic bombs that have exploded under water near the shore will do it all the time.

1) Get away from shore line as quickly as possible at least 1/2 mile if not more whenever you can.

2) A Tsunami is not made of a single wave but of a series of them getting bigger and bigger than of a series of smaller ones. Stay away till the authorities give you the all clear signal.

3) NEVER go near the beach to enjoy the view. If you see the wave, it is then too late to seek shelter, IT MOVES AT 300 MPH.

4) Follow all instruction coming from local authorities it is not the time to play the hero. Be prudent.


1) Seek refuge in a building, inside a car is safe; unless it is a convertible car.

2) Inside a building don't use your phone unless for emergency.

3) If outside and you can't find a shelter here is what to do: Avoid to stick out like a sore thumb by being the tallest point of your surrounding environment.

Ex; being on top of a mountain or in a flat field or in a small boat. If you are in a big boat stay inside.

In a field lay down on your stomach. Don't go near any motorcycle, golf cart and drop your golf club.

4) Stay away from fences or any metallic tubes or cables or lone tree in an open field, this tree will attract lightning.

In an open field don't seek shelter in an isolated shack. In a forest seek shelter in lower ground under heavy brush.

In the country seek shelter in a *ravine or valley and beware of heavy rain which will flood gullies.

In the middle of field if you suddenly feel your hair rising sure sign that a lighting will strike, throw yourself on your knees, your hands on your knees, don't lay flat on the ground.

5) Victims of lightning bolts will suffer a terrible electrical shock that can give them burns but not ALWAYS. They are not however carrying electricity thus can be safely attended.

It is even possible to reanimate someone that you may think was killed by the lightning. If there was a group of persons that was hit, then bring help first to those who seem dead.

6) According to the Red Cross when a victim does not breath you MUST give her the artificial respiration mouth to mouth at the rhythm of one blow per 5 seconds and 3 seconds for kids* till a doctor comes along. THIS MUST BE DONE IMMEDIATELY.

7) Victims who are only stunned by the shock ` still have to be attended they can suffer from burns at the fingers, toes near their belt or under their jewelleries.


1) Upon crossing a dry forest, listen often to any radio news bulletin to see if there are any major fires in your region.

2) If you don't have a radio, check the mountains top and if you see dark clouds that are nearly immobile then change direction. Often the wind will bring you the smell confirming the fire.

3) On foot in a forest it is useless to try to escape a major forest fire your best bet is to throw yourself in the closest water lake or river even pound.

If you have time you can build a burned zone near the pound acting as a kind of buffer zone. Keep your clothes and body ALWAYS wet.

Stones near the river or shore will become very hot afterward stay away from them.

4) Don't panic only a fire of extreme intensity can make the water of a pound or stagnant water boiling hot even if this marshy water has very little depth.

5) Breath through a wet cloth to AVOID BREATHING SMOKE.

6) A fire burns a lot of oxygen around so don't move and try to breath as normally as you possibly can.

7) If you are in a small bush fire and that it is impossible to reach a nearby water you can try to build a buffer zone of burned area around you but this does not work in a major forest fire with walls of fire around you.*

8) Avoid at all cost to seek shelter in a cave! Because the smoke will either kill you or the you will die by lack of oxygen if not by excessive heat.


REMEMBER that great fires create their own rules, even their own weather. For example a fire goes faster up the hill than downward.

A fire shelter is an aluminium tent about 2 1/2 meters long and a metre wide. When a fire fighter is caught in the advance of a raging wildfire, his shelter maybe his last chance.

He clears an area as well as he can and gets under the shelter. He waits there, face down in the dirt, as the fire roars over him.

The fire fighters call the shiny aluminum shelter his "shake and bake" Time spent under it is like time spent in hell.

Here is a true story about this. In 1985 in Idaho's Butte fire, 73 fire fighters were caught by a fire from that raced through three kilometres of forest in 15 minutes. When it overtook the fire fighters, it was 30 story high and looked like a bright orange sun exploding.

The fire fighters got under their shelters and for the next hour the fire roared around them. Hot winds whipped at the shelters, ripping holes that let the heat and light through.

The fire fighters pressed their faces to the earth, and prayed. Between the blasts of fire, they called out to one another. They talked about how they loved their families and girlfriends.

After an hour, the fire let up. The forest was blackened - "toast" in the fire fighters vernacular. Near the shelters, now covered with a fine white ash, the handles of shovels had been burned clean away.



One of the first thing to do is to work at getting things back in order, to establish control and set priorities.


A system of #triage# MUST be establish to separate the cases and to realise that time spent for a grievously case is time lost for others not so badly hurt.

I know it sounds cruel to say but it is better to take care of the lesser injuries than those who will die soon.

This way a #secourist# can save many lives where as if he was to concentrate on one then 10 more would die.*

What is more URGENT is to gather, find food, shelter and first aid and ensure the protection to all survivors as much as possible, to organise teams to help you help others in need.

1) Don't enter a building unless using EXTREME CAUTION. This building can collapse without warning.

2) Once inside check if there is any gas leak or electrical short circuit.

3) Don't enter any building while smoking or with any burning material ex; candles. A gas leak could make it all blow up.

4) Stay away from any fallen or broken electrical cable.

5) In a house if you smell any gas odour, open quickly all doors and windows, close the main gas valve and leave the house immediately.

Warn the police or firemen or gas CIE and don't go back into the house until you are told to do so.

6) If there are electrical appliances that are wet cut the electrical, unplug those appliances & dry them off then you can put the electricity back on.

CAUTION: Don't do any of this if you are wet or have your feet in the water.

7) If your electrical fuses blow up, cut off the electricity and find the cause of the short circuit before doing anything else

8) After a long period without electricity the frozen food can be bad don't eat it. Nor should you eat food that was under water from a flood unless it is in a can. Follow all the instructions of the authorities concerning food and water supply.

9) When possible seek shelter and information from Red Cross where you `ll find clothing, food and first aid.

10) In order to help the work of #secourist# stay away from sinister area unless you are asked or can be of help.

11) Unless emergency don't use your automobile nor phone.

12) Report to authorities all events which you were a witness.

13) Once the emergency state has passed then contact your family members. This way you reassure them & avoid this way time money & anxieties to those who are trying to locate you.

14) Don't be a carrier of rumours that you ears, you will only add to the confusion and multiply the problems.


The type of building construction and its distance away from any bombs, flood, earthquake, hurricanes etc. will determine its damages but they are basically the same except for radiations.

One MUST BE SURE that the walls are badly shaken & that the floors can give away at any time without warnings. Don't let people without knowledge do the searchings, since they can cause further collapses.

There are several types of collapsing and often they will form empty spaces under it where people can be trapped but still live for a while. So:


When the floors collapse on one side, the empty space is under its highest level, often big enough and easy to access.*

The floor can collapse by its middle which forms in its centre a pile of #rubbish# in a "V" form and on each side there is an empty space see pix **

Other type is when the centre of the floor holds on but it is the two sides which collapse forming an empty space in an "A" shape, these spaces are harder to reach.

Last type is when the walls open up and the floor comes straight down, often there are furniture which will stop the floor from total collapse leaving an empty space that is very shallow.

This type of empty space is very hard to reach and presents great risk since the whole building can collapse over the rescue party *.


NEVER get into any buildings no matter how URGENT the cause without having taken the advice of the proper authorities or without having made a very careful inspection to spot dangers.

This delay may sound improper but it is well worth to know before hand what you are getting into & work in teams as much as possible or let someone knows where you went.

First check the immediate localities of the building and call to see if there are any persons in the building. Don't forget that you will be of no use to anyone if you become a victim yourself. Ask around if anyone knows about people missing in this building.

Maintain contact with those inside which you can hear or see but that you can not reach immediately and reassure them.

Once you have decided to enter a building check for dangerous walls, also the doors that are either blocked or obstructed.

Verify carefully for weaken stairs and any objects that are sticking out such as glass, sharp pieces of wood or metals, nails, gas leak, flooded basement and loose wiring.

Walk in very slowly and watch each step carefully. Walk along the walls. Walk backward and along the walls when you go down stairs.


DO NOT pull any material sticking out, it could cause collapses. DO NOT smoke nor light any matches, use flashlights. DO NOT touch any wiring or use a dry stick to AVOID problems.

DO NOT throw rubble left and right but in one pile. DO NOT trust anything and be quick yet be very prudent. Wear gloves, safety hat and safety boots if you have any.